Monday 3 March 2014

iPhone Photography

Today is my 99th post on 'The Smoking Camera' blog! It's hard to believe that next week will be the 100th! Hopefully I'll get to 200 but that's a long way in the distance.

This week I'm posting a few more of my iphone photos. I've started experimenting with some of the various app filters that you can now download.

The first is a sunset at Black Rock Beach. I often drive along Beach Road in Melbourne and marvel at the stunning sunsets and amazing colors in the sky, yet I have never taken my camera down there to capture his.

Recently I finally stopped my car and wandered over and snapped a few shots on my iphone. I was very happy with the final results, which I've posted below.

The second is of our pet cat. The cat was a stray that was rescued and rehoused with us. There's nothing she enjoys more than hiding and waiting for a victim to walk past before she pounces. I managed to get this shot with the iphone. I added some vinaigrette to the edges to create a more dark effect.

Sunset at Black Rock Beach

Devil cat...

Enjoy and I'll see you next week for my 100th post!

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