Monday 29 October 2012

Black & White & Color

One of the great things about Photoshop (or Lightroom) is the ability to transform everyday photos into something a bit different with click of a few buttons.
I love photographs that are predominately black & white however they have certain objects in them that are color to give it more attention or a more dramatic effect.

This week I've posted a couple of photos I took in Vegas, they are of every day things in this case shop signs. 

 First I ran them through Photoshop, creating layers,  then I used a product from Nik Software called Silver Efex Pro to make them black & white and then simply erased the areas I wanted (the color layer below) to be exposed and there you have it.

In these two cases, photographs that I normally would not show my friends and family have suddenly become photos that are in my trip slide show. 

Please dont forget to vote for me in the Japan Photo Contest (see my post on the 22nd of October 2012). 

To vote for me and view my photos click here and this will take you to my section.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

Monday 22 October 2012

Japan Photo Competition

I have entered a photography competition called the Japan Photo Contest and are seeking votes for my photos. 

To view my photos click here and this will take you to my section.

Baby japanese snow monkey fight over snowballs

I have posted 30 photographs on the Japan competition page so far and will be posting more in the next week or two. I have posted a lot of photos on the competition page that have not been posted in my blog.

Enjoy the photos and I'll see you next week!

Monday 15 October 2012

iPhone Panorama Photography

Now days every one has a smart phone of some description.

 The cameras on the smart phones are getting more and more advanced to the point where amazing photographs are more likely to be taken using mobile phones instead of a camera...there are even photo comps for mobile phone taken photographs.

I love taking panoramas and when I went to Canada in 2009 I used my iPhone and a couple of stitching apps to take the photos below.  Once I had stitched these I opened them in Photoshop and adjusted the light, contrast etc.

Enjoy these and in the future I'll post some more.

Banff, Canada
Niagara Falls, Canada

Skydome, Toronto

Monday 8 October 2012


 One of my favorite animals to photograph are tigers.

 Today I'm posting a couple of photos I've at various zoo, the top photo was  taken at Australia Zoo in Queensland and the bottom two were taken at the Melbourne Zoo.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week.


Monday 1 October 2012


If I could live any where in the world I think I'd pick Banff, Canada. When I went there in 2009 I was hoping to see snow covered mountains and clear blue delivered but only better.

I stayed in Banff for 4 days however I should have stayed longer.  The Rockie mountains were mind blowing in their size and stature and the lakes were sunning in their colors that change as the light changes...just talking about this makes me want to go back...

I've blogged a few photos from my trip, these were taken with a small compact camera I had at the time.

Enjoy and I'll see you next week.

Moraine Lake

Takakkaw Falls