Monday 5 December 2011

New Camera and a visit to Terrigal, NSW

As of two weeks ago I have upgraded from my Canon 50D to a brand spanking new Canon 5D Mk2! The Canon 5D MK2 handles great so far, although I'm still coming to terms with the buttons in different places and the HD video abilities. I haven't really tested it for long periods in the field yet but so far it appears like a good investment.

I headed to Terrigal on the NSW coast for a birthday party and took this picture while out exploring.  This was the first field test for the new Canon 5D camera. This is a panoramic photo of 'The Skillon' and the ocean.

Below is a photo of Norahhead lighthouse, which is just out of Terrigal. The light house overlooks a beach which is great for photography! The beach had rocky edges with the waves crashing over them. I took some photos but I haven't processed them yet, however as soon as I do they'll be on my website.

I hadn't been to Terrigal before but it certainly a very sunny and relaxing part of NSW.

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