Monday 19 May 2014

VFL Football

Today I'm post a couple of photos I took over the weekend at a VFL game between Sandringham and Weeribee at Trevor Barker Oval in Sandringham.

All my sports photography is shot using my old Canon 50 camera and Canon 100-400mm Lens. I only shoot in jpeg to allow the burst mode to capture as many shots as possible and not having to stop and think when I used to shoot in RAW. 

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Vancouver - Stanley Park

Today I'm posting some panoramas I took a few years back when I went to Vancouver in Canada. I stayed near the magnificent Stanley Park.

 In the two weeks I was in Vancouver I walked and rode around the lake at least every second day. It's an amazing area with so much to see and do and just when you think you've seen it find another area you have not seen before! It's a truly amazing area.

Here's a few of the many panoramas I took while out bike riding.

Boats docked at Burrard Inlet

Totem Poles

View back at Vancouver

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Washington DC Part 2

Today I'm posting a few more photos I took when I was in Washington DC.

On April 8th last year I posted my first lot of photos of my trip to Washington DC. It's a impressive place full of interesting places  to see, visit and photograph.

I found the stormy weather that we had, while we were there, added to the mood of the photos. 

The capital building was one the most photographic building that I saw in the US and well worth a visit. 

US Capital Building

US Capital Building

One of the many monuments

Natural History Museum

Enjoy and I'll see you next week!