Monday 27 February 2012

Humming Bird

I took this photo while sitting on top of a double decker bus at the San Diego Zoo. While enjoying the sun, as the bus was stationery at a stop, I noticed a fluttering in some trees about 20 meters away, I put on my 100-400mm canon lens and started snapping away. I caught this tiny humming bird going about his business gathering the nectar from the flowers. 


Monday 20 February 2012


One of my favorite places to visit of all times is Japan, not only is it like no other place you'll go to, it's also a great place for photographers. The cities are so much fun to wander around with hidden gems around every corner. 

My favorite places are Tokyo and Kyoto. However, Hiroshima should not be missed either. I've put up a few of my favorite photos I've taken from my trip early last year.

The Atomic Dome, Horoshima

Japan Countryside between Nagano and Tokyo

Geisha, Kyoto

Lanterns at a temple in Kyoto

Monday 13 February 2012

Dogs at the beach

When I was in Queensland just before Christmas I took the family dogs down to the beach. I also took my Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3 camera down as well.  These are some of the photos I took.... 


Monday 6 February 2012

Snow Monkeys

At the start of last year I spent 3 weeks in awesome Japan. We headed up to Yamanouchi district, which is about a 45 minute train ride from Nagano. We stayed in traditional Japaneses accommodation, which is an Onsen, in the Yudanaka Onsen area. From there we walked the 5 km uphill in the slippery snow to the Jigokudani Monkey Park. It was -05 degrees too did I mention that? In case you were wondering most of the Onsen/hotels run a regular bus to the park, would have been nice to know that before we walked....Anyway, the Jigkudani Monkey Park is amazing. The Monkeys are wild and wander where they like. They also do want they like so watch your bags...

For most they monkeys are content to sit in the Natural hot springs and soak and sleep and then soak some more before getting out to forage for food. There are o fences separating the people from the monkeys or vice versa. Often while attempting to use my camera tripod I would look down to find a baby monkey swinging on the legs.

I've put up three photos but there are more, click here to see them at my website.