Monday 14 November 2011

Zoo Visits

Zoo's are a great place to take the camera. I'm a regular visitor to the Melbourne Zoo, I'm also a 'Friend of the Zoo' member, which allows me unlimited access. This is also a great way to support the zoo. I've been to many Zoo's around the world, San Diego, Melbourne, Taronga (Sydney), Tokyo, Singapore and Australia Zoo, to name a few. I'm posting a few photos that I really like. They were all taken at Melbourne Zoo except the Gorilla and her baby which was taken at Tokyo Zoo. To view more of my Zoo Animal photos click on any of the photo's below.


Thursday 10 November 2011

Digital Photography & Design Magazine

Digital Photography & Design magazine ran a photo competition in the June/July edition of the magazine with the theme of black & white.


I entered the competition with a photo I took in Japan. I was very excited when I brought the magazine and saw my photo had made it into a select group that were published. The photo is of Osaka Castle (Osaka, Japan). I shot this in using the Monochrome setting. I was using my Canon EOS 50D, using a Canon 10-22mm lens, which is my favorite lens.  I made some minor adjustments in Adobe Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS4.